Uncategorized 17/03/2020

In the light of yesterday’s Government advice that all non-essential travel and contact with others should be avoided, we feel the responsible way forward is to suspend Chesterfield Sling Library drop-in sessions and workshops for the time being, effective immediately, for at least the remainder of March and for April.  We will review this position for May (or sooner if the situation changes).As much as we would like to keep the Library sessions going we cannot in all conscience go against this advice.  We will message all those of you with current loans over the next day or two to…

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Sling Friday

Sling Friday – 08/06/18


BUSY Bolsover session today, but busy is good. I was privileged to borrow a 5 day old squish for most of the session (thank you Hannah), so had her in a stretchy (JPMBB Basic for anyone geeky enough to care) whilst demoing to many, many parents.  Anybody impressed by what can be achieved whilst also carrying a newborn? TWINS: 2 sets but no overlap (Erika/Ben stay longer or Kirsty arrive earlier!!), both working with Twingos; Kirsty did her first tandem carry (and rocked it like a boss).  Many thanks Ben for your help hefting the slings, and also thanks to…

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Sling Friday

Sling Friday 01/06/2018


Yes, I know it’s Saturday, but yesterday after Library was all about my 7yo and what she wanted to do, as a thank you for being do good at Library (she wanted to go to the park, have ice cream and watch a DVD – how hard is my life??) Anyways.  Our first Library session of the month at Holme Hall saw the newly trained peer supporters upping their game once again; it was an interesting session with a lot of newcomers, and the girls did us proud with their demos.  Really good to have several pregnant attendees as well… …

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Sling Friday

Sling Friday 25/05/2018


4th Friday of the month so no Library session today, but because Friday is my day off from the mortgage-paying job there’s always some slinginess… I went through all the Library baby sized buckle carriers, decided to get rid of some that don’t hire often, decided the Library spending strategy for the next couple of months and had a proper play with the Boba X. Oh, and received the dispatch notification for a boatload of new Integra Solars 🙂 Spending strategy:  We will contribute to the training up of another consultant (you know who you are and I am so…

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Sling Friday

Sling Friday 18/05/2018


The lack of Sling Friday post last week was nothing whatsoever to do with my organisational incompetence and everything to do with the fact that my broadband provider has decided to prevent me accessing my internet service provider. So posting this from my phone on 4G… Technology, who needs it when there are babies to be cuddled.  Had a lovely CSL Hasland session today; I started the day bad tempered but the wonderful baby cuddles, the pleasure of watching the volunteers developing and the joy of being able to make a difference snapped me out of it.  After the session…

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Sling Friday

Sling Friday 04/05/2018


Apologies for the absence of Sling Friday updates in February, March and April.  We’ve been going through a few changes at Ways to Carry HQ.  We’re getting in to a routine with our new normal now though, so Sling Friday updates should be weekly again. Our Library session at Holme Hall today was busy but steady, and I can’t tell you how much the newly trained volunteers are taking the pressure off the old-timers.  Lorette from the Slingababy Training School ran a peer support course last month for 9 of our regular volunteers.  Watching them developing and building on their…

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