Sling Friday

Sling Friday 01/06/2018


Yes, I know it’s Saturday, but yesterday after Library was all about my 7yo and what she wanted to do, as a thank you for being do good at Library (she wanted to go to the park, have ice cream and watch a DVD – how hard is my life??)

Anyways.  Our first Library session of the month at Holme Hall saw the newly trained peer supporters upping their game once again; it was an interesting session with a lot of newcomers, and the girls did us proud with their demos.  Really good to have several pregnant attendees as well…  we love to meet you before your life-changing event takes place, and the more of you pregnant folks that come and hang out at sessions the more we can help you find the mummy-friends that will help you through the challenging weeks/months/years ahead.

Don’t forget you can also bring your own slings and carriers along to a Library session and we’ll try to get them working for you.  We can’t promise success, but we’ll do our best.

All quiet on the consultancy front this week (half-term and my decision to do fewer home-visits), but I did spend a couple of hours with a lovely little chap who arrived far too soon and his equally lovely mum, who found the JPMBB ring sling to be the solution for her.  One of the peer supporters with a recent new arrival is also rocking the JPMBB ring sling.

Thinking about adding some bookable but free to attend workshops to the Hasland session; I have some ideas for topics but what do you think??

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