Sling Friday, Twins

Sling Friday January 12th 2018


I know it’s Saturday, but yesterday was a pretty busy one; Library at Bolsover followed by a couple of trouble-shooting mini-1:1s and then rescheduling most of today’s appointments as youngest came home from school feeling poorly.  Anyway, she’s tucked up having a afternoon snooze, and I have been preparing for a twin consult later on this afternoon.  It struck me that there was nothing on the work-in-progress website about twin carrying and the twin options we have available, so something coming up later today (I hope).    

Sling Friday

Sling Friday Jan 5th 2018


My first Sling Friday post of the new year comes via my work-in-progress website for Ways to Carry and Chesterfield Sling Library.  I know it’s not pretty (yet) and it’s not finished (yet) but good things come to those who wait.  Let me know what you think of it so far… Anyhow, first Library session of the year at Holme Hall this morning was utterly lovely.  Lots of auto-renewals meant we started off quietly so the volunteers could play with random new (to them) carriers, but things busied up Quite Considerably later on in the session.  It was a very…

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